When we set out to create the logo for BeFree Counseling, we wanted to incorporate something visual that had meaning – a metaphor for the courageous and powerful work that happens in the lives of our clients every day. We thought about logos that incorporated birds, butterflies and broken chains before we settled on the arrow as the metaphor for freedom. For us, the arrow represents so many ideas.
Learn More About The Arrow:
- The arrow predates recorded human history. So there is something timeless, ancient and durable about it. It has stood the test of time.
- The arrow has been crafted by its maker for a specific purpose. The very existence of the arrow is evidence that its maker has a plan and the arrow is intended to be used in a specific way.
- The arrow must move backward, before it can move forward. The same is true in life. If we want to grow, we must be willing to take a step back, evaluate our lives and make the necessary changes.
- The arrow requires knowledge, expertise and precision. These are the same principles by which we seek to guide our counseling work with our clients.
- The arrow represents diversity. It can be used as an effective offense and defense.
- The arrow protects and provides. Arrows have been used for warfare and defense as well as hunting and provision.
- The arrow can be used to provide direction – pointing us in the way we should go.
- The arrow is a symbol of strength and bravery. It requires both strength and bravery to set the arrow free from the bow, sailing towards its mark. And strength and bravery are essential for the work we must do to overcome life’s challenges.