Have you ever wondered if you are a sex addict? Sexual addiction, sexual compulsivity, or hypersexual disorder (whichever term you use) is a pattern of out of control sexual behavior with an inability to stop despite adverse consequences. Many people that come to BeFree Counseling are wondering if they might be struggling with compulsive sexual behaviors and if they might be facing an actual addiction. If you’ve ever wondered about your own behavior and whether your struggles might be classifiable as an addiction, there is a simple series of questions you can answer that will help you begin to find answers.
Sex Addict Test
The PATHOS assessment is a quick way to check to see if you might be a sex addict. The PATHOS Inventory was developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes and it is a quick aid in identifying those who may have problematic sexual behavior. If you identify with 3 or more of the following indicators you may want to seek further evaluation.
- (Preoccupied) – Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts?
- (Ashamed) – Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from others?
- (Treatment) – Have you ever sought help for sexual behavior you do not like?
- (Hurt) – Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?
- (Out of Control) – Do you feel controlled by your sexual desires?
- (Sad) – When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?
Sex Addict Counseling
Please note: This is not meant to take the place of a full assessment nor is it a determining factor of your need for counseling. However, a referral to a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) would potentially be the next step. Please contact one of our therapists for more information.
To learn more, visit sexhelp.com.